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Finding the Harmonization in GHS (Sponsored by Sphera)

Course Description:
The GHS is not as harmonized as many of us may have hoped. With all the countries who have currently implemented GHS, along with those that are coming up, are there ways to create a harmonized SDS or label? The world is becoming smaller and where we used to divide the planet up into regions, maybe we should look at it differently. In this webinar we will look at different ways to create harmonized SDSs across multiple countries and ask questions on where a pragmatic view to SDS/Label creation might help make processes more efficient.

Contact Hours:
1 Hour

Presentation Date:

Carrie Decatur, Senior Regulatory Analyst, Sphera
Francis Trudeau, Solutions Manager, Sphera

This webinar recording is free thanks to Sphera, but please select "purchase" to register and access the webinar.