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Quality Data: Fuel for the Circular Economy (PSX 2021 On Demand)

Course Description:
Data is becoming so valuable that some are calling it the new oil. When refined, data can power industries as diverse as technology, medicine, education, and even product stewardship. But data is also often unobtainable, unwieldy, unreliable, or unsecure. How can data be quickly and cost-effectively refined to power circular economies, help governments build better Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) frameworks, and make managing and reporting on recycling programs easier and more effective for product stewards?

This session will explore the connection between data and EPR legislation. Specifically, the speakers will examine the need for reliable, accurate data to build more effective EPR frameworks which support a circular economy, one that eliminates waste and upholds communities and the environment. As EPR legislation takes hold around the world, the demands on product stewards grow more numerous each year. Current tools for managing recycling programs fall short as government regulators, consumers, and manufacturers demand better data than these systems can supply. However, the right tools CAN supply product stewards with what they need to meet obligations and drive better EPR directly from the field to the government.

Contact Hours:
1 Contact Hour

Presentation Date:

Paul Friedman, Diversys
Mark Jamensky, Diversys