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Registering Products with Residual Antimicrobial Efficacy (PSX 2021 On Demand)

Course Description:
Due to the needs of the COVID-19 pandemic, the public is increasingly interested in antimicrobial products for treating hard, non-porous surfaces. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) responded to COVID-19 by developing List N, comprised of disinfectant products available for use to control viruses on surfaces. The products on List N immediately kill pathogenic microbes but are seldom useful in high-traffic areas with recurring microbial contamination—a limitation that can be overcome by antimicrobial products with residual efficacy. Realizing the importance of such products, EPA has announced its intent to start registering them under Section 3 of the U.S. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). In the meantime, EPA announced an emergency public health exemption under Section 18 of FIFRA for one antimicrobial product that remains active on surfaces for up to seven days. EPA also recently released interim guidance regarding expedited review of applications to add residual efficacy claims against SARS-CoV-2 to existing products and register new products with these claims. Manufacturers rushing to meet the public's demand by developing new antimicrobial products with residual efficacy will reach significant regulatory hurdles under FIFRA.

This presentation will discuss data and solutions that will help participants to successfully submit applications for claims of their products' residual efficacy against SARS-CoV-2.

Contact Hours:
1 Contact Hour

Presentation Date:

Gavin Thompson PhD, Ramboll US Consulting, Inc.
Ashish Deshmukh PhD, Ramboll
David Liu PhD, Ramboll