Developing IT Solutions for Efficient, Customer-Centric Compliance (PSX 2022 On Demand)

Course Description:
Product stewards are responsible for providing subject matter expertise on product compliance, safety, and sustainability. This function integrates regulatory insights early in the decision-making process, enabling businesses to meet their goals. The role of product stewards is not only to ensure their companies' compliance but also to support customers' product regulatory obligations. Ad-hoc compliance statements for customers can be time consuming, lack standardization across organizations, and often represent an inefficient use of product stewardship resources. Through effective communication about the regulatory landscape, product stewards can successfully support customers to meet their obligations and, in turn, provide businesses with the tools and resources they need to address inquiries efficiently. During this presentation, the speakers will share how they manage customer inquiries, use information technology (IT) tools in product stewardship tasks, and provide information that makes business functions more self-sufficient.

Contact Hours:
0.75 Contact Hours

Presentation Date:

Robin Musch Newkold
Paige Fronheiser

*This content is exclusively available to members of the Product Stewardship Society. If you are a PSS Member, please sign in above to access your account. If you are not yet a member, click the purchase button below to join today!