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Meaningful Practice in the Circular Economy (PSX 2022 On Demand)

Course Description:
As pressure grows to make more sustainable products, the phrase 'circular economy' seems to be everywhere, from policy statements to company sustainability reports. But how do companies avoid greenwashing or wasting effort when turning these theoretical constructs into meaningful practice? This session will demystify concepts and provide attendees with practical tools to define strategies and related tactics. Using case studies to demonstrate the practical alignment of circularity precepts with product types and business strategy, the session will explore emerging frameworks that define participation in the circular economy. Participants will put these lessons into practice in a small group exercise and leave with references to essential resources and an experiential sense of this emerging practice.

Contact Hours:
0.75 Contact Hours

Presentation Date:

Kate Sellers

*This content is exclusively available to members of the Product Stewardship Society. If you are a PSS Member, please sign in above to access your account. If you are not yet a member, click the purchase button below to join today!