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Connecting Product Stewardship and Sustainability (PSX 2022 On Demand)

Course Description:
Sustainability is a hot topic in the business world, and a number of companies are creating goals to help reduce climate change. Many product stewards already know there is a connection between product stewardship and sustainability, but how do they get their companies to see this connection? This presentation will discuss a real-life example of how one product steward started and grew a company sustainability council focusing on all aspects of products and their lifecycles, from their raw materials to the ends of their lives, including packaging and shipping. The speaker will walk you through the first steps to creating a sustainability council and introduce the players from the participants' companies who should be involved. In the end, using the lessons learned from the example, the participants should understand how important it is for product stewards to become more involved in sustainability projects and how product stewards can join and lead sustainability efforts within their companies.

Contact Hours:
0.5 Contact Hours

Presentation Date:

Rebecca Morones

*This content is exclusively available to members of the Product Stewardship Society. If you are a PSS Member, please sign in above to access your account. If you are not yet a member, click the purchase button below to join today!