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New Articles, Complicated Regulations: Challenges in Managing Components (PSX 2022 On Demand)

Course Description:
New and novel articles that involve ever-changing chemistries are emerging to facilitate the rapid transition to clean energy and a sustainable circular economy. Product stewards are challenged both to characterize articles in conformance with the expanding and sometimes inconsistent universe of global regulatory schemes and to anticipate unintended consequences at the ends of these articles' lives, such as the reuse of these materials as feedstocks. These are complicated by the demands of companies, global supply chains, the public, and other stakeholders to rapidly bring new sustainable products to the market and secure market and supply chain positions. Furthermore, new agency interpretations of existing laws may expand regulation of articles, which would be a significant paradigm shift in this space. Through a role-­playing format involving various stakeholders, this session will examine how product stewards can create 'fit for purpose' characterizations that consider the complexities of regulated article components and effectively communicate and address the concerns of internal stakeholders, regulators, downstream users and consumers, and eventual recyclers and handlers of end-of-life articles.

Contact Hours:
0.75 Contact Hours

Presentation Date:

Gavin Thompson
Victoria Fedor
Lisa Marie Nespoli

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