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A Risk-Based Approach for Produced Water Management (PSX 2022 On Demand)

Course Description:
The discharge of produced water is concerning in view of potential environmental impacts. Approaches involving mere chemical analysis are no longer considered sufficient. Instead, a holistic approach entailing whole effluent toxicity (WET) assessment from an ecotoxicological perspective has been increasingly advocated. Moreover, there is a need to employ a risk-based approach/assessment (RBA). RBA has been instigated under OSPAR initiative, and member countries have put in place appropriate implementation programs. This presentation provides a comprehensive perspective of the United Kingdom's RBA process and insight into the development of the initial trial to the formulation of the current stepwise program process, involving chemical analysis, ecotoxicity testing, modeling, and reporting. In this presentation, the speaker will discuss key considerations of the produced water risk management elements, examine the aspect of intrinsic toxicity contribution from production chemicals and naturally occurring substances, and analyze essential considerations of the key regulatory criteria and drivers. The speaker will also highlight the implication of the findings of the initial phase of the U.K. RBA program and how these findings impact future sustainable developments.

Contact Hours:
0.5 Contact Hours

Presentation Date:

Kirit Wadhia

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