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EPA's New PMN Review Process: Are Your Products Impacted? (PSX 2022 On Demand)

Course Description:
The 2016 amendments to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) have placed additional responsibilities on EPA for reviewing premanufacture notices (PMNs) of new chemicals. In 2021, EPA's New Chemicals Division experienced serious backlogs in the review of PMNs. EPA's proposed rule announcing changes to its PMN program, which is expected to be released in September 2022, is intended to make the review process efficient and align it with the 2016 TSCA amendments by improving the quality of information submitted to the agency. For example, in January 2022, EPA announced a new effort to streamline the review of new bio-based and waste-derived fuels intended to replace fossil fuels. EPA's team dedicated to this effort is collaborating on the reviews of these PMNs in order to use the best available science and create a consistent and efficient review process.

Contact Hours:
1 Contact Hour

Presentation Date:

Irene Hantman
Ashish Deshmukh
David Liu

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