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A Tour of the PFAS Landscape: Part 2 (PSX 2022 On Demand)

Course Description:
Many activities have been taking place regarding pre- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) regulations. The United States EPA's PFAS activities include efforts to develop a national PFAS testing strategy, review previous decisions on PFAS, and finalize a new PFAS reporting rule. States such as California, Maine, and Maryland have taken steps to address PFAS in consumer products and packaging. Companies need to know how to comply with these requirements. This presentation will discuss EPA's efforts on PFAS, including the PFAS Reporting Rule, state efforts to regulate PFAS in consumer products and packaging, and practical aspects of compliance, such as processes for identifying and quantifying PFAS in various industrial and consumer products.

Contact Hours:
0.5 Contact Hours

Presentation Date:

Philip Moffat
Ashish Deshmukh
David Liu

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