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Product Demo Day 2024: opesus Demo & Closing Remarks

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REACH-like Regulations on the Rise - Manage and Share Data Efficiently

There's been an increase in the global adoption of REACH-like legislation. This includes Korea REACH, Taiwan's TCCSCA, Türkiye KKDIK, and UK REACH. With these changes, efficient handling and sharing of chemical registration data has become crucial. For many companies, this is a time-consuming and often inefficient process. opesus offers comprehensive solutions to address these challenges. Join us as we explore how you can transform your registration data management processes and streamline the sharing of Letters of Access (LoA). We will show you how the features and benefits of opesus Registra and LoA Market will empower your organization to work smartly and collaboratively. The solutions offer a holistic and unmatched approach to future-proofing your business. Manage the dynamic regulatory landscape of today and tomorrow and reduce compliance risks. Registra centralizes chemical registrations, facilitating internal and external collaboration while connecting essential data sources, such as IUCLID, Microsoft Excel, and SAP Product Safety. The solution is designed to empower users to work smartly through automation and AI. LoA Market makes data sharing easy, efficient, and affordable. It is a Web shop and a platform. LoA Market connects owners of chemical registration data and companies that need letters of access (LoA) and rights to that data. It provides transparent pricing models for buyers and eliminates onboarding and administrative costs for data providers. Don’t miss out on this demo and gain insights about smart solutions for data management and data sharing that will help your company thrive.

March 13, 2024
Wed 3:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

This live web event has ended.

PSS eLearning Dept